Saturday, March 27, 2010


ENG : for a long time a didn't published any nice ;) photo ... I really love this one, because reseble her character ... and I like her head ! On the photo is Žuža, she is Verushka's litter sister and she lives with Mia, Steve and Nutella (the cat).
SLO : že dolgo nisem na blogu objavila, kakšno lepo hrtovsko fotko ... in danes sem se odločila, da jo še malo popestrim in obdelam. Žuža je Veruškina sestra in uživa skupaj z Mio, Steve-om in Nutello (mačkico).

Monday, March 22, 2010


Unique Whippet collars / Unikatni ovratnici za whippet-a

ENG : unique "One of a Kind" design, whippet collars. Handmade leather collars are customized to a client. Collars are lined in sheepskin nappa leather and extra padded, to give more comfort !

SLO : unikatni ovratnici za whippet-a sta ročno izdelani. Ovratnici sta oblikovani in izdelani po naročilu stranke. Izdelani sta iz usnja, podloga je iz zelo mehke ovčje nape in dodatno mehko oblazinjena.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010


SPRING 2010 / POMLAD 2010

Barone Rosso Collection

Dark Red, italian nappa leather, is what I wanted to create this chic collection.
All edges are round inside to not demage hair around the neck.

Each collar is unique, as the decoration slightly changes every time (from collar to collar).


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