Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
(11 weeks on photo)
7. oktobra se je "familija" povečala za eno članico :) ... njeno ime je Toniya Kalinow. Hvala Silvii in Robertu Kalinowski za zaupanje!!! Toniya in mi z njo, uživamo 100/h :))
On October 7th our family grow for one more member :) ... her name is Toniya Kalinow. Thank you Silvia and Robert Kalinowski for your trust and I'm more than happy with her and sure she is enjoying too !
Thursday, October 4, 2012
"Dear Vida,
I just wanted to email to say the items
arrived safely Friday afternoon. They are absolutely gorgeous, by far
the best quality and detailed we have seen, this is why I so badly
wanted to order items through you. My mum was thrilled and Florence
looks so lovely in them - I thought I would send you a photo of her in
her new outfit!
Anyway, thank you so much for the gift wrapping and
such good service. If you would like me to give a review for your
website I will gladly do so, just let me know.
Wishing you best wishes in your business.
Hilary Mackey"
Hilary Mackey"
* * * * *
Thank you very much for this nice feedback. Always happy to receive news and photos from my customers. Thank you Hilary and Florence!
Vida and co.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
I was having a great time in Germany, visiting Silvia and Robert Kalinowski & Kalinow Barsois. I had a wonderful time, with wonderful people and very very nice borzois!
Thank you so much Silvia and Robert
for your invitation and for your very kind hospitality. Meet you again!
Just a few photos here on blog
but, please visit the entire gallery of photos that I took at Kalinow.
9 September 2012
4th International CACIL - Kranjska Gora
On a sunny Sunday, on a meadow nearby the show place, was a lure coursing. Of course with a lot of friends coming from different countries to give hound a nice game :) ... yes, we are quite mad about this. And somethimes our hounds just do not feel in good mood that day, to show all abilities...and we will be on next game!
Veruschka was 5th among 8bitches ... but she was having a good run and I'm proud of her, nevertheless of any result. She is my Star :)
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8 September 2012
(20.specialna razstava za hrte)
for entire week-end we were working on stand with a collars :) ... meeting new customers and the old ones was just a great joy. Receiving such a nice feedback of my work (handmade dogwear accessories of course ;) was wonderful. THANK YOU ALL!!!
Veruschka was also shown under a judge, Miklos Levente (H) ... she received Very Good in Working Class, well after all I'm happy as with such a bad grades he gave on that day. Didn't checked out for a full moon :)
Camping Eco Natura was the great place to have a show and we were also sleeping there in our tent ... I really enjoyed this weekend in a such a nice place and nature.
Monday, August 6, 2012
4. avgusta 2012, smo se udeležili Slovaškega mednarodnega coursing-a "Slovak Coursing Championship 2012", in sicer whippet Bolt (Aleson Neli Goldya) v spremstvu Kristine Gornik in Roka Leskovarja, ter borzojka Veruška (Ninochka's Veruschka) v mojem spremstvu :)
Vrnili smo se z odličnimi rezultati!!! Bolt je dosegel 1.mesto med samčki in pokazal kaj zna, da je dobesedno hitra puščica na terenu in veliki navdušenec za tovrstna tekmovanja :) Veruška je dosegla 3.mesto med samičkami in pokazala, da ima še veliko volje za tek čez drn in strn!
Čestitke našim tekmovalcem in hvala Boltu, Kristini in Roku za dobro družbo!
(vse fotke so (c) Rok Leskovar)
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V kampu Zlati Pesky (Bratislava) so potekale večerne priprave na sobotno tekmo ... vsak ima svoj stil.
Eni v višino ... drugi na gladino :)
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Work in progress for this two :)
... only some more stitches with a durable nylon thread and will be available for new owners ...

Siena Bordeaux Collection ... when I saw this fabolous trim, I just could't resist myself to not handcraft some gorgeous collars. I already had in my studio this beautiful bordeaux nappa leather and this two are just perfect match. With this matching set of collar and leash, I'm sure your dog (... and you too :) will be noticed on the city streets or just having fun & run.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Thank you "Stella Cometa" for sending this nice photo !
Petiit Pethaus wish you all happy summer holidays.
Petiit Pethaus wish you all happy summer holidays.
8. September 2012 - 20th Special CAC Show
9. September 2012 - 4th CACIL Internationl Coursing
Entry form and informations
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Have a look at this new regulations
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(začne veljati s 1. julijem 2012)
(Veruschka in European Championship 2012, Dunakeszi - Hungary * photo courtesy by Zsófia Kecskés )
Monday, June 11, 2012
European Championship Lure Coursing 2012, 8 - 10 June, Dunakeszi - Hungary
Pa smo nazaj :)
Slovenska reprezentanca je zelo dobro opravila svoje poslanstvo na Madžarskem. Najvišjo uvrstitev slovenske ekipe, 5.mesto, sta dosegla Nil in Helena na sobotni tekmi :)) predvsem je bilo čudovito naše navijaško vzdušje ... toliko pozitivne energije in veselja na kupu je čudovito doživeti ... bili smo zelo dober team !!!
Helena in Nil (Happy Hunter's Nightfalls on Manhattan)
* * *
Veruschka (zgoraj v rdečem) je tekla z rusko črno puščico Slavo ... Zoya je tekla sama, ker njene "sparing" partnerice ni bilo na štartu (krivda organizatorja!) je pa vseeno dala vse od sebe, da se je kar kadilo za njo (spodaj). Del ekipe je odšel domov že v soboto popoldan, zato nimam nobene fotografije Halči in Tite :( ...
Obe borzojki sta odtekli dobro prvo progo, zelo zahtevna - tehnična proga, pa čeprav samo en tek. Drugi tek je bil v petek odpovedan, iz strani veterinarja, zaradi previsokih temperatur, saj so izmerili cca. 35stopinj C v senci. In tako smo bili prikrajšani za drugi tek, ki je bil na polju 2 (postavitev je bila bolj hitrostna "racing"). Torej naslednje leto pa Nemčija, in po vsej verjetnosti bo tudi organizacija prireditve boljša kot letošnja :)
Rezultati slovenske reprezentance na Evropskem prvenstvu v Lure Coursingu 2012 :
GREYHOUND (samčki)
5/8 Happy Hunter's Nightfalls on Manhattan - lastnica Helena Gruden
WHIPPET (samičke)
34/56 My Camelot Maioui - lastnik Andrej Kerpan
48/56 Halle Berry Komarska - lastnica Petra Dolanec
BORZOI (samičke)
32/42 Ninochka's Veruschka - lastnica Vida Klenovšek
35/42 Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B - lastnica Andreja Novak
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
... pa gremo na Madžarsko ... in konkurenca bo huda huda!!! po številčnosti je največ prijavljenih whippetov, sledijo salukiji in za njimi takoj borzoji. Prijavljenih je kar 79 borzojev (od tega, 58 samičk. Veruška in Zoya bosta imeli kaj delat na parkurju :)).
Whippet-ov je skupno 125, od tega 63 samičk in tudi Halči in Tita bosta imeli hudo hudo konkurenco ... in še Greyhoundi ... prijavljenih je 22, od tega 9 samčkov in Nil bo tudi zelo deloven na progi!
Whippet-ov je skupno 125, od tega 63 samičk in tudi Halči in Tita bosta imeli hudo hudo konkurenco ... in še Greyhoundi ... prijavljenih je 22, od tega 9 samčkov in Nil bo tudi zelo deloven na progi!
Več informaciji in statistika Evropskega prvenstva v LC pa tukaj
Sponzor Slovenske reprezentance na Evropskem prvenstvu v LC, ki se bo
odvijal od 8 - 10 Junija 2012, na Madžarskem (Dunakezsi), je podjetje
Avanturist d.o.o. www.avanturist.si / ARDEN GRANGE www.ardengrange.si - PERFORMANCE hrana za delovne pse. Podjetje Iris d.o.o. www.iris.si je sponzorsko prispevalo izdelke NUTRISAL - prehrambeni dodatek!
Slovensko reprezentanco na Evropskem Lure Coursing prvenstvu sestavljamo (iz desne proti levi) :
1. Halle Berry Komarska (whippet samička), lastnica Petra Dolanec
2. My Camelot Maioui (whippet samička), lastnik Andrej Kerpan
3. Happy Hunter's Nightfalls on Manhattan (greyhound samček), lastnica Helena Gruden
4. Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B (borzoi samička), lastnica Andreja Novak
5. Ninochka's Veruschka (borzoi samička), lastnica Vida Klenovšek
Hvala tudi KZS-ju za reprezentančne trenirke in seveda tudi našemu Slovenskemu klubu za Hrte, za majčke. Držite pesti in navijajte za naše hrtke !!!
Slovensko reprezentanco na Evropskem Lure Coursing prvenstvu sestavljamo (iz desne proti levi) :
1. Halle Berry Komarska (whippet samička), lastnica Petra Dolanec
2. My Camelot Maioui (whippet samička), lastnik Andrej Kerpan
3. Happy Hunter's Nightfalls on Manhattan (greyhound samček), lastnica Helena Gruden
4. Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B (borzoi samička), lastnica Andreja Novak
5. Ninochka's Veruschka (borzoi samička), lastnica Vida Klenovšek
Hvala tudi KZS-ju za reprezentančne trenirke in seveda tudi našemu Slovenskemu klubu za Hrte, za majčke. Držite pesti in navijajte za naše hrtke !!!
Hvala vsem !!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
2nd June 2012, 4th CACL DOLSKO, SLOVENIJA
On the way winning her CACL Dolsko (Slovenija) ... only a week after her BOB at CAC Hrušica!!!
Ninochka's Veruschka, Exc1 , CACL
judge : Mrs. Andreja Novak (SLO)
So proud and happy about her ♥♥♥
Ninochka's Veruschka, Exc1 , CACL
judge : Mrs. Andreja Novak (SLO)
So proud and happy about her ♥♥♥
Monday, May 28, 2012
CAC Hrušica (Slovenija)
It was just a wonderful sunday ... it started with a CAC Hrušica (Slovenija) where Veruschka gained a lovely result in Working class, under a judge, Mr. Zoran Brankovič (SRB)
EXC1, CAC, BOB Ninochka's Veruschka
(Rassvet Svetleyshiy Mirage x Ninochka's Uvertura)
b: Andreja Novak, o: Vida Klenovšek
Thank you Erik Lutman for wonderful photos and to letting me use them !
Monday, May 21, 2012
World Dog Show 2012, Salzburg (Austria)
Thanks to friends, Petra and Marko :) ... we just get on the road, me at 5am ... and our final destination of the day was of course to see the WDS 2012 in Salzburg. What breed? Sighthounds of course ;) and as usual I was just focused on borzois and this time on males .. so mostly males photos.
Here are some photos of the winners ... more photos HERE ... and complete Borzoi results with a lot of photos on European Borzoi HERE
judge males : mag. Blaž Kavčič (Slo)
(Russkiy Azart Dagon x Russkaya Volnitsa Mazaika)
Breeder + Owner: Lioudmila Bourdeleva
Breeder + Owner: Lioudmila Bourdeleva
* * * * *
judge females : Mrs. Marija Kavčič (Slo)
Rothesby Sholdwood Miracle x Casablanca Coastwind Wolkowo
B: Wolkowo Kennel, O: Helena Arh + Davor Margeta
B: Wolkowo Kennel, O: Helena Arh + Davor Margeta
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Leather collar for Vivi - Rough Collie
This collar was made-to-order for a very hairy female ... rough collie named Vivi. The collar will suit not only her beautiful gold/white coat color, but also her caracter. Vivi is very gentle and good mannered lady :)
... perfection in every detail ...
all borders are round (stitched inside) so will not demage the dogs coat
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