Friday, May 30, 2008

Specialna razstava "Irish Wolfhound" - Kranjska Gora, 25.05.2008

BIS - Best of Breed

vzreditelj & lastnik E.C. FERNHOUT-SCHILDT, Nizozemska

R.BIS - Best of Oposite Sex
vzreditelj & lastnik: FREDERIC MAISON, Francija

Slovenski klub za hrte je z velikim uspehom organiziral Evropski kongres irskih volčjih hrtov, ki je potekal od 23. do 25. maja 2008 v Kranjski Gori.
Na kongresu se je zbralo več kot 100 slušateljev in to kar iz 26 držav sveta - med njimi iz Japonske, Islandije, Kanade, ZDA ..., če omenimo le nekatere.
Dvodnevni specialni razstavi za Irske volčje hrte sta privabili razstavljelce iz 16 držav Evrope - najdaljšo pot je opravil razstavljalec iz Finske. Pripotoval je kar 2873 km - V ENO SMER !!
Zvezda razstave v soboto in v nedeljo je zmagovalec sobotnega in nedeljskega BIS-a CH PITLOCHRY'S CATWAEZLE iz Nizozemske.
Prireditev je bila ocenjena z superlativi - tako s strani udeležencev in razstavljelcev, sodnikov in predstavnika Kinološke zveze Slovenije - kajti odlična organizacija in fantastične okolica Kranjske gore v sončnem vremenu - se je tokrat izkazala za nepremagljivo kombinacijo .
Lahko vam je žal - če niste bili tam :-)

Opis in podatke o Kongresu je pripravila Andreja Novak, predsednica Slovenskega kluba za Hrte. Hvala Andreja :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


SLO : Ovratnica za pse Petiit Pethaus je iz kolekcije "Nero Base".
Osnova kolekcije je črn usnjen trak z reliefnim potiskom.
Ovratnica je podložena v rumenem usnju (iz kolekcij Yellow Croco), rob ovratnice je obrnjen in zato ne poškoduje dlake okoli vratu, kot običajne ovratnice na zateg. Primerna tako za kratkodlake, kot dolgodlake občutljivčke :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Annalisa's Wippets and Charty Polskie

WIPPET : Thing Fish
(Ml. Ch. Almansor's Local Hero x Sobresalto Queen Of Hearts)
Best Young Male al Raduno del Club Italiano del Levriero, judge Nenne Runsten (Airescot Whippets) e BOG Winner.

CHARTY POLSKIE : Hailhareamedeonazzary
(Ml. Ch. Demon Arcturus x Ml. Ch. Cymelia Szpony Tradicji)
Young Italian & Young Slovenian Champion, 3rd place in Young's BIS at Ljubljana Sighhtound's Specialty, BIS Young Males winner and Res. BIS' Youngs (both sexes) Winner at Brabo/Antwerp International Dogshow.

Annalisa is presenting herself and her dogs :))
Hy there, my name is Annalisa and -maybe- some of you may already know me. I breed Whippets and Charty Polskie and it's easy to run into me at dog shows :-) I don't have much to add to your imagination: I live for my dogs, I take care of them, I'm their trainer ande chaffeur too :-) Dogs were never been in my life before, I'm a newcomer and switching from horses to sighthounds has been natural. Dogshows are like a vacation day, I really enjoy them and work hard at home to give to my "guys" a proper handling and making sure to have no surprises at all. I can say that my subjects loves to be showed and none of them have been stressed, they can't wait the next weekend! I'm starting now to breed a good litter's number, I mean 4 or 5 for year, and it's really hard to find the "perfect sire" for my bitches: it' s more a "statistic's matter" than all, it means that I have a kind of "virtual catalog" in wich I put all the sires that -in my opinion- are useful to my program. So, every year, I have to find a certain number of suitable stallions, and as the time goes by, it gets harder! Fortunately the science is making a lot of things possible thanks to chilled and frozen semen, but the distance still remain an obstacle to the breeding activity. A champion is not always a quality's guarantee, the pedigree works 100 times better, infact the last sire I choose is not a champion but he he did nice things already in his litters . The problem is that, I'm sure , there are a lot of nice dogs who will never be showed, making impossible to breeders to watch at them: dogshows exist exactly for this reason, to get connection with others with your interests, goals. People should do more shows, infact I always encourage my new owners to go at shows twice, at least, in a year. I could say more, but this is not my web site, it's about Vida !!! :-)))

For more informations about Annalisa's dogs, you are welcome to jump in and watch at her pages for news and breeding activities or her blog for litter's list and new members. Each of her dogs has a profile with pedigree and results.

Thank you Annalisa for this presentation :)) and wish you all the best :))

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Pohod na Vremščico je bil "mala mal'ca". Celo pot pa so nam krasile cvetoče narcise :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Who's this ?

SLO : Naredi se kot, da je ne poznaš ... ti sam' dol glej !
ENG : We don't know her ... just look down !