Tuesday, May 26, 2009


After a lure coursing ... we had a rest in the shadows at Andreja' s home :)
Blaž made a great photos of borzois and humans too ... but only because he couldn't avoid us ;)) THX Blaž !


... here I am in action :))

and here is what I shot :)) ... yes I love this lens !

from the left : Veruschka, Zoya and Vihra


very very tired Veruschka


... have you ever wondered how it looks a Sleeping Beauty when you
weake her up in the middle of the night, actualy siesta :D

Veruschka - former Sleeping Beauty :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009


- sloughi / arabian greyhound -

DYBA is looking great and happy in her new "wear"
from "Pinky Croco" Collection :))
She is having a great life in France :)

To know more about Sloughi, this wonderful and rare breed


*** *** ***

Here are some basic informations, that I found, about Sloughi

FCI Group : X. - Sighthounds
They were originally bred as sight, scent and sound dogs and today are used for hunting and as companions.

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : Morocco / North Africa

This breed is truly a living piece of history, revered by the Bedouin tribesmen, and as highly valued as an Arabian horse. In the days of the great Sheiks, the Sloughi was one of the most prized possessions, and you can imagine what happened if anyone should harm a Sloughi! They are as noble and proud as the Bedouin themselves, who decorate the Sloughi with talismans and amulets. Bedouin women have been known to nurse Sloughi puppies should the need arise. When a Bedouin goes visiting, his Sloughi is treated with the same respect as any honoured guest, and tribesmen will willingly give up their blanket for their Sloughi should they be cold. And when the Sloughi dies, the grief of the Bedouin is apparent and the hound is mourned with much dignity. There is evidence of the Sloughi dating back to the Ancient Egyptians, and indeed a mummified body of a Sloughi has been discovered in a tomb.

They are devoted to their family, therefore once you have a Sloughi, it is yours for life, they do not change homes easily. They are not a noisy hound, and like most hounds seem to have an affinity with children. They are independent dogs that have an inbuilt desire to hunt and have the stamina to keep going. Cats and other small animals are seen as prey to this dog that hasn't been socialised with them from an early age. Not a breed suited to someone who has little time.

The Sloughi should have a flat, fairly broad skull, with a wedge shaped muzzle. The skull and muzzle are roughly equal in length. The jaws should be strong with a complete scissor bite. The eyes should be triangular, slightly slanted, large and dark in colour. The ears should be triangular shaped and carried close to the head. The neck should be relatively long, strong and arched. The chest is not too broad and the topline is almost level and short. The front legs should be well muscled; the back legs should be long and well angulated. The feet should be thin, long and oval in shape. The tail should be thin with a curve at the end and is never carried above the topline. The coat should be short, tough and fine. The colours desired are cream, red, sand, fawn, with or without black mask, also brown mantle, and various brindle colourings. They must not be black or white, or parti-coloured. Or have any white on the body, such as saddle markings or collars. White is permissible on extremities or chest. This dog should cover the ground well and quickly with no apparent effort, the movement is free and flowing.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B.

And here are the stages of "my little" Zoya growing up
... from little borzoi puppy to and adult female. Actualy, a beautiful borzoi female. Her showing career started wonderfuly. She is now 13 months old and she is already a Slovenian and Croatian Junior Champion :)) Of course I'm very happy and proud of her as she was living with Veruschka and me, until her new home was ready and she will always be in my heart as "my little Zoya". When she was 7 months old she went to her home at kennel Ninochka's - to a friend of mine, Andreja Novak. And it was hard for me and Veruschka to let her go! Zoya is living today with 3 other borzois, Ninochka's Vihra (Veruschka's sister), Multi Ch. Ninochka's Tcharodeika (Veruschka's grand mother, she was Veteran BOB Winner at EuroDogShow 2008 in Budapest) and Multi Ch. Haroschij von Schloss Olef (Zoya's grand father).


Zoya at 2 months


Zoya 3 months & Verushka 18 months


Zoya at 4 months


Zoya at 6 months


Zoya at 7 months


Zoya at 13 months
Slovenian and Croatian Junior Champion

(with her owner Andreja Novak - Ninochka's borsois)

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Petiit Pethaus - designed for pets

is presenting you the advantages of, leather MartinGale collars
handmade by Petiit Pethaus.

The Martingale Collar is nothing new for sighthounds or similar like breeds (with thin, long necks and thin heads). Their thin, long necks and thin heads cause regular snap collars to slip right over the ears and off the head. This is where the Martingale Collar comes in! It is the perfect collar for sighthounds AND all other dog breeds.

Advantages of the Martingale Collar :

  • The loop design of the dog collar prevents it from slipping off the dog's head.
  • The collar is much safer, preventing the dog from escaping and endangering himself or others.
  • The collar is dog friendly and more humane. When the collar is connected to a lead, it closes around the actual diameter of the dog's neck. In this way, the closing of the collar does not restrict the dog's throat like a traditional choke chain, or pinch collar.

  • The Martingale Collar is perfect for any sighthounds and many sporting and working breeds, from Tea-Cup dogs to very Large breeds.

  • Most dogs respond to the Martingale better than with a choke collar. It never produces a choke hold the dog, but gently tightens to fit the dog's neck. There is no pain or constriction of any king to the dog if fitted properly.
  • The collar remains in position on the dog's neck much better than traditional flat collar. Because of this position, most dogs will not pull and tug in front of the owner. It is much better collar for loose lead walking and training.
  • A struggling dog cannot back out of this collar. If the dog is frightened by traffic or loud noises, trying to rear away from the frightening source, he/she cannot pull out of the Martingale Collar.
All of these facts are good reason to try the Martingale Collar with your dog.

The collar is very effective when fitted according to manufacturer's specifications. The basic fitting method is to tighten correctly. When the smaller loop is pulled, two outer parts of the collar should join in the middle, fitting comfortably on the dog's neck.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Walking and talking

A beautiful green meadow was a perfect place for a wonderful dog play
and ladies walk "in" talking :))


... and here are the girls going on turbo :))


... watch out, this is not a borzoi ... hey, its a pincher boy :))


... what a happy Baghi :)) after a good, crazy run ...


... and this is a Veruschka's Smile :))


... oh, nooooo ... I've lost them ... where are you ????

I'm coming :)) I'm the super handsome Cthulhu ! Yeah!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Manerba del Garda, Italy - 3rd May

International Coursing CACIL - EUROCAP Lap

judges : L. Durando (I) & M. Behrmann (D)

with A.I.A.L.A.

Trofeo Combinata Challenge

“ALICE IN WONDERLAND”: CHALLENGE TROPHY Beauty and performance - VII edition


On sunday, 3rd May I went to Lure Coursing at Manerba del Garda (BS), Italy.
It was my 3rd day around with Veruschka and she was very tired, but among all, she was extremly interested to go to catch the lure. But as I decided to go to Padenghe and Manerba a very last moment, I didn't entered her as a competitor. So we were "obligated" to be there only as spectators and to watch our friends fenomenal hounds on coursing field.

Ninochka's Uvertura (Veruschka's mummy), she's the one on the left, performed very well, she gained the excellent 3rd place. Congratulations to Uša & Sonja :) well done girls !

We had great time with all of you :) Hope to see you soon!

more photos of the day HERE



Wednesday, May 6, 2009

III. Padenghe sul Garda - 2nd May Club Show

Judge of CDL show was Mrs. Wilfriede Schwerm-Hahne (D)

OPEN CLASS - Females

(Kohinoor Blistai & Stepnykh Almazov Aleksandra)

breeder & owner
Ca' Frosco Borzoi - di Elena Bertolini

was a winner of Open Class females


In this class was also my friend Marina with Baghi.
She's the third one from left :)

(Zut Szczececia Wlada Traw & Velikij Jalina)

Ca' Frosco Borzoi - di Elena Bertolini

was presented by her owner & handler Marina Cornaglia

Baghi was EXC and gained the 4th place!
Well done and congratulations :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

II. Padenghe sul Garda - 2nd May Club Show

*** FEMALES ***

EXC1, CAC, BOB winner was a beautiful female

(Kohinoor Blistai & Stepnykh Almazov Aleksandra)

breeder & owner
Ca' Frosco Borzoi - di Elena Bertolini


Best Junior Female

(Bakuredfox & Velikij Jalina)

breeder & owner
Ca' Frosco Borzoi - di Elena Bertolini

*** MALES ***

EXC1, CAC, BOS winner was a beautiful male

Borscana Hardcore Superstar
(Moryak Wild is the Wind & Borscana Witchcraft)

L. Edland - Borscana

Russkiy Azart Barzoi - di Maria Lazareva


Campione Sociale - Males

Russkiy Azart Ideal
(Rassvet Svetleyshiy Mirage & Razguljai Ty Tsaritsa)

Russkiy Azart Barzoi - di Maria Lazareva

Dulin M. Christine

Congratulations to all winners at Club Show - Club del Leviero / CDL

Judge of CDL show was Mrs. Wilfriede Schwerm-Hahne (D).

More photos HERE

I. Padenghe sul Garda - 2nd May Club Show

Padenghe sul Garda - Italy
2nd May 2009

Club Show & Campionato Sociale
Club del Leviero, Italy


Ninochka's Uvertura
(Teine Fidler at Tarasov & Ninochka's Tcharodeika)

was excellent 2nd in Champion Class - females :)

She was handled by Nataša Rihar and they performed
very well :))

more photos HERE

Well done mummy :)
... she's Veruschka's mother ...


Ninochka's Uvertura is co-owned by Sonja Kosanc
Andreja Novak - Ninochka's Borsois